Hello, hello, hello! Another month bites the dust! The socials have been a bit quieter over the last couple of weeks, mostly because the office has been a little hub of busy activity, but also because my on-going nature walks have been anticlimactically cut short due to bad weather. Vital company update: the swallows are still around.

We did manage to post another case study across our LinkedIn and Facebook pages, for those interested – here’s a link. These have been going down a storm, so expect more of them going forward for a sneak peek into how Alba Dewatering approaches its work and projects.

Here’s another sneak behind the ever-mysterious curtain that is Alba Dewatering’s yard – this one isn’t current, but it was right in the middle of an organisation and inventory check. All those pumps are a thing of beauty, in our eyes at the very least.

IMG 2876

I also stumbled upon a different angle for the bespoke manifold that we designed for a client in Oldham. Here it is all installed and in its new waste water treatment facility home. I know the management team are eager to flex their solution-muscles with new bespoke designs. If you are in the market for such a thing, please do get in touch. We can create pretty much anything to suit your specific dewatering needs, from the initial design, through to fabrication and installation. But, enough of the advertisement – let’s move on!

glyn yard image

Where the leadership team did go wrong over the last couple of weeks was in sending me images.  So…..I now have images I can post in my spotlight! It’s worth noting here that these aren’t ’employee of the month’ style celebrations, just a sort of ‘hey, here’s this person’. So, here’s Dan Terzza, our HSE and Transport Manager. No one is safe, everyone will be featured. Dan sits opposite me (Sif) in the office and manages all of the logistical, mobilisation, ISO-sort of things. Alba passed both external audits last month and remained accredited, so he’s doing his/ a good job.


It may be a touch quiet on the socials for the next few weeks as I move to developing a few more internal projects, but I’ll be sure to keep you all updated on anything interesting as it comes along.

Side note, the office has a new glass meeting room! It’s been thoroughly sound tested by all office team members, and has been a novel new installation. The renovation of the office continues apace! it’s getting there. We’re hoping to make this space a showcase of Alba’s work and achievements, and to host clients when needed.

glass meeting room

I think that’s everything for this month – so, I’ll see you in the next edition. Stay safe, stay dry, stay hydrated!